In professional gameplay, experience laners opt for roaming boots to unlock a second roaming skill. Typically, the roamer will grab Conceal for sneaky ganks, while the experience laner picks up Encourage, which boosts the attack stats and attack speed of nearby teammates. This gives their team a significant edge in team fights.
Before the 8-minute mark, farming minions near the enemy turret incurs a penalty—players cannot gain any gold or experience from these minions. However, once the clock hits 8 minutes, that penalty is lifted, allowing experience laners to farm without restrictions. The pros wisely wait until after the 8-minute mark to grab their roaming boots, ensuring they don't miss out on valuable resources if their teammates decide to visit their lane.
Normally, roamers need 600 RoR gold to unlock their roaming skill, which they gain automatically every 4.96 seconds because they usually have the lowest gold on the team. Once they accumulate 600 gold, their skill is unlocked. For experience laners, however, who generally have more gold than the roamer, unlocking this skill is a different story. The key to unlocking the skill lies in assists.
As an experience laner, you can rack up assists, which increases your RoR gold. For example, while using the roaming boots as an experience laner, I noticed that I wasn’t gaining any RoR gold initially. But as soon as I secured an assist, my RoR gold increased significantly. It’s important to note that only assists contribute to unlocking this skill—kills do not affect RoR gold.
Here are some common questions and misconceptions surrounding this strategy:
Will buying roaming boots delay my RoR in unlocking their skill?
How long does it take to unlock the skill?
How much do roaming boots cost?
Will I receive extra experience and gold from assists after 8 minutes?
Can I intentionally stop farming to unlock my skill?
This strategy isn’t exclusive to experience laners. Other roles, like gold laners, have also been seen purchasing roaming boots to unlock their skills through assists. While this strategy can be beneficial, it doesn’t always guarantee success. In my testing, I encountered instances where my RoR gold did not increase despite securing assists. However, I also had games where it worked seamlessly.
In summary, trying out this tactic can be advantageous, especially when combined with effective teamwork. If you manage to unlock the skill, great; if not, no harm done since the roaming boots are free. So the next time you’re in a match, consider buying roaming boots after the 8-minute mark and see how it impacts your team’s performance.
Have you tried this strategy in your games? How did it go? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading, and happy gaming!